Free standard shipping and returns on all orders
Free standard shipping and returns on all orders

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Giant Lobelia Service and Return Guidelines
Giant Lobelia Service and Return Guidelines

What is the Giant Lobelia Service, and how does it operate?

What is the return window?

Most products offered by Giant Lobelia can be returned within a period of 30 calendar days from the date of receiving them. In cases where multiple products were ordered, the cooling-off period commences the day after receiving the final package.

What are your responsibilities?

You are entitled to assess the product(s) in a manner similar to how you would evaluate products in a physical store. If you have gone beyond what is necessary to determine the characteristics and nature of the product(s), you will be held accountable for any decrease in their value. All products must be returned in their original packaging to the extent reasonably possible.

How to utilize the Giant Lobelia Service?

To avail yourself of the Giant Lobelia Service, you must notify Giant Lobelia of your intention to return the product before the expiration of the cooling-off period (30 calendar days). You can communicate this decision in various ways:

For immediate assistance, you can reach out to us through live chat.

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Product Return Options and Guidelines
Refund Processing Timeframe and Method
Dealing with Damaged Items: Your Course of Action
GiantLobelia Drop-Off Return Instructions
Returning Your Item Using the Right of Withdrawal
Guidelines for Initiating a Return with Pick-Up Service