Free standard shipping and returns on all orders
Free standard shipping and returns on all orders

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Product Return Options and Guidelines
Product Return Options and Guidelines

How can I initiate the return process for a product?

You can return your product at no cost within 14 days of receiving it.

Depending on the product and the reason for your return, we will arrange a pick-up or provide you with a return label. In the latter case, you must take your product(s) to a nearby parcel shop.

There are two methods for returning a product:

1. We handle your return, and this service is free of charge, provided you share the reason for the return with us and initiate the return within 14 days.
2. You can exercise your right of withdrawal. If you choose, you can return your product within 14 days, but you will be responsible for covering the return shipping costs. 

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Refund Processing Timeframe and Method
Dealing with Damaged Items: Your Course of Action
GiantLobelia Drop-Off Return Instructions
Returning Your Item Using the Right of Withdrawal
Giant Lobelia Service and Return Guidelines
Guidelines for Initiating a Return with Pick-Up Service