Free standard shipping and returns on all orders
Free standard shipping and returns on all orders

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Order Tracking and Delivery FAQs: Your Comprehensive Guide
Order Tracking and Delivery FAQs: Your Comprehensive Guide

Want to check your shipping status?

After your order ships, we'll send you an email confirmation containing a link to our tracking portal. This portal lets you stay updated on the current status of your shipment.

Need to update your delivery address?

You can request a change to your delivery address through our customer service team, but please note that this can only be done before your order is processed for shipment. Get in touch with our customer service to inquire about address changes. If your order has already been processed, our team will explore alternative solutions to assist you.

Can I authorize someone else to collect my parcel from a parcel shop?

If the carrier chooses to deliver your parcel to a parcel shop, please note that only the individual whose name appears on the parcel is authorized to retrieve it from the parcel shop.

How does pallet shipment function?

If your order comprises oversized items necessitating pallet shipping, you will receive a notification in your shipping confirmation email. The carrier will contact you within 2-9 business days to arrange a delivery date.

What occurs if I'm unavailable for delivery?

Carriers employ various methods to address situations when you're absent during the scheduled delivery.

The carrier will opt for one of these solutions:
• Delivery to your neighbors
• Placement of your parcel in a secure location
• Delivery to a designated parcel shop
• Return of your parcel to their depot, awaiting further guidance

Typically, the carrier will notify you regarding the parcel's whereabouts, typically via letter, SMS, or email.

What types of delivery services are available?

Our primary delivery method is home delivery.

If you're unavailable at home during the delivery window, the carrier may deliver your order to an alternative location, but this determination can't be made in advance.

How can I check my scheduled delivery date?

Upon placing an order, you will receive an email confirmation containing a link to your tracking portal, where you can monitor your shipment's progress.
For pallet shipments, you can expect a call from the carrier within 2-9 business days to arrange a convenient delivery date. Please be aware that if you order multiple products, they may be delivered on separate days.

How do I monitor the progress of my order?

Upon shipment, you will be sent an email confirmation inclusive of a tracking portal link. This portal provides real-time updates on your shipment's status.

If you haven't received the confirmation email, please inspect your spam folder, as emails occasionally land there.

Should you be unable to locate the email in your spam folder, don't hesitate to contact our customer service team. We're here to assist you.

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